5 Ways to Utilize Social Media For Free to Boost Enrollment

Digital Marketing

5 Ways to Utilize Social Media For Free to Boost Enrollment

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In the marketing world, a landing page is a standalone page that is distinct from your home page. Sometimes referred to as a “destination page,” landing pages serve a single and focused purpose. It is where visitors are directed after clicking on a digital ad, social media post, link in a blog, or search result. They are designed for lead generation, specifically to convert visitors into leads or leads into new clients.

So, why do you need landing pages to market your home care agency? Keep reading for 3 reasons why you need landing pages for your home care agency.

#1 Reason for Landing Pages: Increase Enrollment

Across all industries, the average conversion rate for a landing page is 9.7%. That might not seem like much, but that means 100 people clicking on a Facebook ad or a Google search ad, which isn’t that many, could equate to 10 new clients. Overall, landing pages are perfect for capturing leads and conversions. If your home care agency needs to boost enrollment, a digital marketing campaign featuring landing pages is necessary. They do not guarantee a higher conversion rate, but campaigns that have them fare better than those that do not.

#2: Showcase Your Offers

Landing pages are also a great way to showcase offers. Every offer must have its own landing page for one of two reasons.

The first reason that every offer needs a landing page is to avoid clutter. The whole point of a landing page is to be targeted and focused. To avoid having too much clutter on a landing page, it’s better to have many of them dedicated to your specific offers, services, etc.

The second reason is that each of your offers requires flexibility. For example, if you are offering new services and trying to recruit caregivers, you will need to change to have distinct web copy, form fields, etc. for your landing page. 

To put this all into context, consider the scenario where you are going to start offering new services. If you have advertisements for each of these new services, you need a separate landing page for each. If someone clicks on a Facebook ad promoting your new transportation services, they should be taken directly to a landing page dedicated to that service, not one that also has information for caregiver recruiting or new telehealth services. To effectively turn a visitor into a conversion or client, you need your landing page to be focused, targeted, and designed to capture leads.

#3: Target Specific Audiences with landing pages

The last reason that you need landing pages for your home care agency is that they allow you to target specific audiences. They also allow you to keep visitors focused on your goal.

For example, if you are recruiting new caregivers, your Facebook or Google Ads should link directly to a landing page dedicated to that initiative. The page should give all of the necessary information, with a call to action, and a lead capture form. You don’t want to send a potential caregiver to a generic page where they need to search for information about the job.

Alternatively, if you are trying to start a referral program and someone clicks on a link related to that, they should go to a specific landing page with information dedicated solely to that initiative. You can even take things to a more granular level with landing pages for specific cities or even neighborhoods. This not only captures visitors’ attention but can also improve your search engine ranking in that specific location.

Whatever message your ads are conveying, should be mirrored in the respective landing pages that visitors are taken to. In doing so, you will keep their attention, keep them locked in the sales funnel and increase your chance of a conversion.

in Summary - Landing Pages are Essential!

Simply put, landing pages are essential for any business, but especially for home care agencies. Your prospective clients are trying to determine who to entrust with their care and want clean and concise answers. Landing pages eliminate confusion and ensure that visitors are only being shown the information that they are interested in. This shows that you are organized, attentive, and able to handle their care.

Need help setting up landing pages? Contact XG Onward Marketing today to discuss your needs. 

About the authors

XG Onward Marketing is the digital marketing arm of XtraGlobex. Our skilled team is comprised of home care and digital marketing expert and we’re happy to provide our expertise! 

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